




Grace cannot sleep with her cinderella shoes.
They have to stay downstairs.
(did I mention they light up)
Hubby Dan was on the phone after work with work. All systems down = call Dan!!
G picked up her fake cell and started talking as well.
Conversation as follows:

D: G who are you talking to?

G: talking to mommy and daddy

D: oh that's nice

G: What mommy?? I can't hear you!! (violently shakes phone)

D had a hard time talking to work while laughing his head off.

Shelley's wedding flowers, at home. G was the flower girl. She had a ballerina dress and slippers = heaven.

I always wanted to be a flower girl. I was on my mom all the time for it...I waited so patiently. Fits of jealousy seeing my friends get the chance. With 3 single Aunts it was bound to happen. Every new boyfriend ignited my hopes. Dreaming of my dress I imagined posing for the professional pictures and practiced in my mirror how I would smile. I knew it would happen, I knew I would be chosen.

My first Aunt got married when I was 14. Too old for a flower girl. Suddenly I was a junior bridesmaid.
Junior Bridesmaid is a made up term.
too old a flower girl too young a bridesmaid.

Stuck in the middle.
Dreams of being a flower girl were over.

13 years later G wouldn't walk down the aisle
I had to carry her. Although in the moment stress and frustration fogged my senses,
TODAY I snicker...

I got my chance.

first blog log

Today I'm unsure.

I started a blog, I'm out t h e r e now...

Please don't steal my pictures, please don't make fun of my ideas, please don't

I'm begging now. I'm hesitant, but I begin.